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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.3.5
    Version 0.3.5
    Guarantee compatibility with Elixir versions 1.11 and up; set up
    continuous integration to that end.
    Fixes compilation error with Elixir versions 1.11 and 1.12.
    Fixes miscellaneous small errors and omissions in documentation.
  • v0.3.4
    Version 0.3.4
    First release under GPLv3 license.
    Adds support for $INCLUDE in zone files.
    Fixes a resource exhaustion bug when answering queries over TCP and a
    programming oversight when a server is running with no zones configured
    to be loaded.
  • v0.3.3
    Version 0.3.3
    A release addressing a design flaw regarding the handling of data stored
    in Catalog structures at keys differing only by case. This resulted in
    some resource records being only partially served.
  • v0.3.2
    Version 0.3.2
    A release fixing several issues regarding referral responses: they had
    the AA bit set in the header while they shouldn’t, and they didn’t
    always include the glue records when they were needed.
  • v0.3.1
    Version 0.3.1
    A release fixing a number of issues regarding handling of CNAME resource
    records and illegal aliases.
  • v0.3.0
    Version 0.3.0
  • v0.2.0
    Version 0.2.0
    Similar to 0.1.0 in features, but underwent major code and dependency
  • v0.1.0
    Version 0.1.0
    A first, very incomplete version, that is nonetheless capable of
    demonstrating the concept of an intentionally broken DNS server.