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  • Orne Brocaar's avatar
    Refactor multicast groups. · df4ef7b3
    Orne Brocaar authored
    This moves the mulitcast feature under applications, to enforce that all
    devices within the multicast group belong to the same application as the
    multicast group.
    Before you upgrade, please validate that if you have any existing
    multicast-groups that:
    1. These are not empty (they contain one or multiple devices)
    2. All devices within the multicast group belong to the same
    If these conditions are met, ChirpStack Application Server will
    automatically migrate your multicast group(s) to the same application as
    your devices. In any other case, the migration will throw an
    error asking you to either remove the empty multicast group(s) or to
    re-assign the devices so that the above criteria are met.
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